Yoga found me in 2005. Quickly, I realized that there was healing power in movement, breath, mantra, meditation and sound the very first time on my yoga mat. I sensed a deep knowing, an earthly resonance, that these were to be the primary methods that would support my healing journey. For nearly 20 years, I have practiced many styles of yoga and have deeply connected with several including Hatha, Kundalini and Restorative.

Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen,
that stillness becomes a radiance. ~Morgan Freeman
Special Offerings
Reiki and Full Spectrum Energy Medicine
Reiki and Full Spectrum
Energy Medicine
Reiki and Full Spectrum EM are safe, gentle, hands-on healing modalities. They are amazingly effective on many kinds of physical, emotional issues and illnesses. Both replenish life force energy, helping to maintain a balanced and a more stress-less experience of life. Reiki and Full Spectrum EM sessions are available by appointment.
Mystical Gong Vibrations
and Sound Healing
Known as one of human’s oldest therapeutic instruments, the Gong is an ancient tool for healing and transformation. I hold an energetic healing space for you and your participants. Experience private sound healing, small groups, workshops, retreats, team-building, corporate, yoga studios, meditation circles or private event.
Full sound healing sessions also include rose quartz crystal singing bowls and other instruments.
Flower Essences
Flower essences are a botanically based therapeutic approach that has been utilized since the beginning of time. Evidence reveals that flower essences were gathered by ancient civilizations, believing and experiencing the restorative virtues of the morning dew that appeared on the blossoms. The dew is collected and prepared as an holistic 'remedy'.